Need a little help buying a greeting card? Want to personalize a thank you note? Not sure where to view the items on your wish list? Here is everything you need to know to use our website. You can click on links below to jump through each of the sections listed.
To enjoy same day in-store pickup, simply place your order before 1:30PM local time. All of your items will be prepared and held for you in-store.
If you would like to express your emotions in Español, Our Design Team will be happy to translate any card for free, upon your request. To order this service, simply choose the option after adding a greeting cart or thank you note to your shopping cart.
There is a post office, Correos, located in Centro. The building is on Borrero and Gran Columbia. The offices are open from 8AM to 6PM, every Monday through Friday. The price to mail a card is $5.80.
If you are having trouble or need some assistance, please contact us. Be sure to mention the product ID number and the problems you are currently having. Our customer support team will respond as quickly as possible to assist you. Most issues can be resolved within twenty-four hours.